Ansible Pilot

Install Minikube with Ansible Role on All Hosts

Automate Minikube installation across all hosts with Ansible. Follow this guide to deploy Minikube using an Ansible role for streamlined setup.
December 7, 2023
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Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestration, empowering developers to manage and deploy containerized applications efficiently. Minikube, a lightweight Kubernetes distribution designed for local development, simplifies the process of setting up and experimenting with Kubernetes clusters. In this article, we will explore how to leverage Ansible, a powerful automation tool, to effortlessly install Minikube with specific configurations.

Automating Minikube Installation with Ansible

Ansible, known for its simplicity and flexibility, allows developers to automate various tasks, including software installation and configuration. The provided Ansible playbook snippet demonstrates how to install Minikube with specific parameters:

- name: Install minikube
  hosts: all
    - role: gantsign.minikube
      minikube_version: '1.32.0'
      minikube_architecture: 'arm64'
      minikube_download_dir: "{{ ansible_facts.env.HOME + '/Downloads' }}"

Explanation of the Ansible Playbook:

  1. name: The playbook is named “Install minikube,” providing a clear indication of its purpose.

  2. hosts: The target hosts specified as “all” mean the playbook will be executed on all hosts defined in the Ansible inventory.

  3. roles: Ansible organizes tasks into roles, making it easier to manage and reuse code. In this case, the playbook employs the “gantsign.minikube” role to handle the Minikube installation.

    • minikube_version: Specifies the desired version of Minikube (‘1.32.0’ in this example).

    • minikube_architecture: Defines the target architecture for Minikube installation (’arm64’ in this example).

    • minikube_download_dir: Sets the directory where Minikube will be downloaded. The Ansible fact ansible_facts.env.HOME dynamically fetches the user’s home directory.

Ansible role

Before executing the Ansible playbook, it’s essential to ensure that the required Ansible role, “gantsign.minikube,” is available. Ansible roles are shareable and reusable units of automation, and the Ansible Galaxy serves as a central hub for distributing these roles. To install the “gantsign.minikube” role, run the following command:

ansible-galaxy install gantsign.minikube

This command fetches the specified Ansible role from the Galaxy repository, making it accessible for use in your playbooks. By keeping roles separate from playbooks, you benefit from modular and maintainable automation code, promoting code reusability and consistency across different projects. Once the role is installed, you can confidently execute the Minikube installation playbook, ensuring a smooth and standardized setup across your development environment.

Executing the Ansible Playbook

To execute the playbook, save the snippet in a file (e.g., install_minikube.yaml) and run the following command in the terminal:

ansible-playbook -i your_inventory_file install_minikube.yaml

Replace “your_inventory_file” with the path to your Ansible inventory file. This playbook will download and install Minikube on the specified hosts with the specified version and architecture.


Combining Ansible’s automation capabilities with Minikube’s simplicity streamlines the process of setting up local Kubernetes development environments. Developers can easily adapt the provided playbook to meet their specific requirements, enhancing the efficiency of their Kubernetes development workflows. As container orchestration continues to evolve, the collaboration of tools like Ansible and Minikube ensures that developers can focus on building and deploying applications without the hassle of manual setup.

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