Ansible Pilot

Steampunk Ansible Challenge: Showcase Your Playbook Writing Skills

Unleash Your Ansible Expertise and Win Big in the Steampunk Ansible Challenge!
September 26, 2023
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Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey through automation and Ansible? If you’re passionate about Ansible and love solving complex automation problems, the Steampunk Ansible Challenge is your stage to shine. In this article, we’ll dive into the details of this thrilling competition and how you can participate to test and showcase your Ansible playbook writing skills.

How It Works

The Steampunk Ansible Challenge is a series of weekly competitions designed for Ansible enthusiasts of all levels. It’s a platform where you can engage in thrilling challenges, solve intricate automation puzzles, and demonstrate your prowess in crafting Ansible playbooks.

Five Exciting Challenges

Each week, participants receive an email containing all the essential details for that week’s challenge. With a total of five challenges, there’s plenty of room for you to flex your Ansible muscles. The best part? Even if you miss the official end date of a challenge, you can still take it on and compete for the grand prize.

Precision and Speed

To claim the coveted title of Grand Winner, you must master the art of balancing precision and speed. Conquering all five challenges while crafting high-quality playbooks within record time is the key to your success. However, fret not if tackling all five challenges seems daunting. The competition acknowledges and celebrates excellence at every step by recognizing the top three performers for each individual challenge. Their names will be engraved at the pinnacle of our leaderboard.

Win a Meta Oculus!

For those who consistently display their playbook writing prowess across all five challenges, there’s an extra-special reward awaiting them — the Meta Oculus! This exclusive prize is reserved for the Grand Winner of the Steampunk Ansible Challenge.

But the accolades don’t end there. The top three competitors in each individual challenge will receive a bag of Steampunk goodies, showcasing our appreciation for your dedication and skills. Keep in mind that if you manage to clinch victory in multiple individual challenges, you’ll receive the award only once. Please note that participating in an individual challenge after its official end date excludes you from the race for the individual award.

Mark Your Calendar

The Steampunk Ansible Challenge is set to kick off in October, promising a thrilling month of competition and camaraderie among Ansible enthusiasts. Here’s a glimpse of the challenge timeline:

The grand winner will be crowned after this exhilarating competition, marking the end of a fantastic journey through the world of Ansible.

Get Ready to Steampunk!

The Steampunk Ansible Challenge is your chance to shine, learn, and compete with Ansible enthusiasts worldwide. Whether you’re a seasoned Ansible pro or just starting your automation journey, these challenges offer a fantastic opportunity to test your skills and grow.

So, gear up, mark your calendar, and embark on this exciting adventure through the Steampunk Ansible Challenge. Precision, speed, and passion for automation are your keys to success in this remarkable competition. Are you up for the challenge?

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