Ansible Pilot

Run a Python Script on Remote Machines - Ansible module script

How to automate the execution of a "" custom Python script on a remote machine after transferring it and processing the output as an Ansible JSON variable using Ansible Playbook and script module.
August 18, 2022
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How to Run Python Script on Remote Machines after transferring it?

I’m going to show you a live demo with some simple Ansible code. I’m Luca Berton and welcome to today’s episode of Ansible Pilot.

Run Python Script on Remote Machines

Let’s talk about the Ansible module script. The full name is ansible.builtin.script, which means that is part of the Ansible builtin modules included in ansible-core. The purpose of the module is to Runs a local script on a remote node after transferring it.


Let me summarize the main parameters of the module script. This module doesn’t have any required parameters bus some options become necessary in this use case. The cmd parameter specifies the script name or path. The executable parameter specifies the interpreter name or path.


Let’s jump into a real-life Ansible Playbook to Run Python Script on Remote Machines after transferring it. I’m going to show you how to create a custom Python script that output a JSON file, transfers it to a remote machine, and executes it using python3 interpreter.


#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
cars = {
    "manufacturers": [
        "Acura", "Alfa-Romeo", "Aston-Martin", "Audi", "Bentley", "BMW",
        "Bugatti", "Buick", "Cadillac", "Chevrolet", "Chrysler", "Citroen",
        "Deus Automobiles", "Dodge", "Ferrari", "Fiat", "Ford", "Geely",
        "Genesis", "GMC", "Honda", "Hyundai", "Infiniti", "Jaguar", "Jeep",
        "Kia", "Koenigsegg", "Lamborghini", "Lancia", "Land Rover", "Lexus",
        "Lincoln", "Lotus", "Maserati", "Maybach", "Mazda", "McLaren", "Mercedes",
        "Mini", "Mitsubishi", "Nissan", "Opel", "Pagani", "Peugeot", "Pontiac",
        "Porsche", "Ram", "Renault", "Rolls-Royce", "Skoda", "Smart", "Subaru",
        "Suzuki", "Tesla", "Toyota", "Volkswagen", "Volvo"
print(json.dumps(cars, indent=4))
- name: run Python script
  hosts: all
    - name: run script
        executable: python3
      register: cars_raw_output
    - name: print cars_raw_output
        var: cars_raw_output
        verbosity: 2
    - name: convert output to JSON
        cars_list: "{{ cars_raw_output.stdout | from_json }}"
    - name: print cars_list
        var: cars_list


ansible-pilot $ ansible-playbook -i ../virtualmachines/demo/inventory run_python_script.yml
PLAY [run Python script] **************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************
ok: []
TASK [run script] *************************************************************************
changed: []
TASK [print cars_raw_output] **********************************************************************
skipping: []
TASK [convert output to JSON] *********************************************************************
ok: []
TASK [print cars_list] ****************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "cars_list": {
        "manufacturers": [
            "Deus Automobiles",
            "Land Rover",
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************           : ok=4    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0
ansible-pilot $

verbosity two execution

ansible-pilot $ ansible-playbook -i ../virtualmachines/demo/inventory run_python_script.yml -vv
ansible-playbook [core 2.13.1]
  config file = None
  configured module search path = ['/Users/lberton/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /usr/local/Cellar/ansible/6.1.0/libexec/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /Users/lberton/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook
  python version = 3.10.5 (main, Jun 23 2022, 17:15:32) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)]
  jinja version = 3.1.2
  libyaml = True
No config file found; using defaults
Skipping callback 'default', as we already have a stdout callback.
Skipping callback 'minimal', as we already have a stdout callback.
Skipping callback 'oneline', as we already have a stdout callback.
PLAYBOOK: run_python_script.yml *******************************************************************
1 plays in run_python_script.yml
PLAY [run Python script] **************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************
task path: /Users/lberton/prj/github/ansible-pilot/how-to-run-script/run_python_script.yml:2
ok: []
META: ran handlers
TASK [run script] *************************************************************************
task path: /Users/lberton/prj/github/ansible-pilot/how-to-run-script/run_python_script.yml:5
changed: [] => {"changed": true, "rc": 0, "stderr": "Shared connection to closed.\r\n", "stderr_lines": ["Shared connection to closed."], "stdout": "{\r\n    \"manufacturers\": [\r\n        \"Acura\",\r\n        \"Alfa-Romeo\",\r\n        \"Aston-Martin\",\r\n        \"Audi\",\r\n        \"Bentley\",\r\n        \"BMW\",\r\n        \"Bugatti\",\r\n        \"Buick\",\r\n        \"Cadillac\",\r\n        \"Chevrolet\",\r\n        \"Chrysler\",\r\n        \"Citroen\",\r\n        \"Deus Automobiles\",\r\n        \"Dodge\",\r\n        \"Ferrari\",\r\n        \"Fiat\",\r\n        \"Ford\",\r\n        \"Geely\",\r\n        \"Genesis\",\r\n        \"GMC\",\r\n        \"Honda\",\r\n        \"Hyundai\",\r\n        \"Infiniti\",\r\n        \"Jaguar\",\r\n        \"Jeep\",\r\n        \"Kia\",\r\n        \"Koenigsegg\",\r\n        \"Lamborghini\",\r\n        \"Lancia\",\r\n        \"Land Rover\",\r\n        \"Lexus\",\r\n        \"Lincoln\",\r\n        \"Lotus\",\r\n        \"Maserati\",\r\n        \"Maybach\",\r\n        \"Mazda\",\r\n        \"McLaren\",\r\n        \"Mercedes\",\r\n        \"Mini\",\r\n        \"Mitsubishi\",\r\n        \"Nissan\",\r\n        \"Opel\",\r\n        \"Pagani\",\r\n        \"Peugeot\",\r\n        \"Pontiac\",\r\n        \"Porsche\",\r\n        \"Ram\",\r\n        \"Renault\",\r\n        \"Rolls-Royce\",\r\n        \"Skoda\",\r\n        \"Smart\",\r\n        \"Subaru\",\r\n        \"Suzuki\",\r\n        \"Tesla\",\r\n        \"Toyota\",\r\n        \"Volkswagen\",\r\n        \"Volvo\"\r\n    ]\r\n}\r\n", "stdout_lines": ["{", "    \"manufacturers\": [", "        \"Acura\",", "        \"Alfa-Romeo\",", "        \"Aston-Martin\",", "        \"Audi\",", "        \"Bentley\",", "        \"BMW\",", "        \"Bugatti\",", "        \"Buick\",", "        \"Cadillac\",", "        \"Chevrolet\",", "        \"Chrysler\",", "        \"Citroen\",", "        \"Deus Automobiles\",", "        \"Dodge\",", "        \"Ferrari\",", "        \"Fiat\",", "        \"Ford\",", "        \"Geely\",", "        \"Genesis\",", "        \"GMC\",", "        \"Honda\",", "        \"Hyundai\",", "        \"Infiniti\",", "        \"Jaguar\",", "        \"Jeep\",", "        \"Kia\",", "        \"Koenigsegg\",", "        \"Lamborghini\",", "        \"Lancia\",", "        \"Land Rover\",", "        \"Lexus\",", "        \"Lincoln\",", "        \"Lotus\",", "        \"Maserati\",", "        \"Maybach\",", "        \"Mazda\",", "        \"McLaren\",", "        \"Mercedes\",", "        \"Mini\",", "        \"Mitsubishi\",", "        \"Nissan\",", "        \"Opel\",", "        \"Pagani\",", "        \"Peugeot\",", "        \"Pontiac\",", "        \"Porsche\",", "        \"Ram\",", "        \"Renault\",", "        \"Rolls-Royce\",", "        \"Skoda\",", "        \"Smart\",", "        \"Subaru\",", "        \"Suzuki\",", "        \"Tesla\",", "        \"Toyota\",", "        \"Volkswagen\",", "        \"Volvo\"", "    ]", "}"]}
TASK [print cars_raw_output] **********************************************************************
task path: /Users/lberton/prj/github/ansible-pilot/how-to-run-script/run_python_script.yml:11
ok: [] => {
    "cars_raw_output": {
        "changed": true,
        "failed": false,
        "rc": 0,
        "stderr": "Shared connection to closed.\r\n",
        "stderr_lines": [
            "Shared connection to closed."
        "stdout": "{\r\n    \"manufacturers\": [\r\n        \"Acura\",\r\n        \"Alfa-Romeo\",\r\n        \"Aston-Martin\",\r\n        \"Audi\",\r\n        \"Bentley\",\r\n        \"BMW\",\r\n        \"Bugatti\",\r\n        \"Buick\",\r\n        \"Cadillac\",\r\n        \"Chevrolet\",\r\n        \"Chrysler\",\r\n        \"Citroen\",\r\n        \"Deus Automobiles\",\r\n        \"Dodge\",\r\n        \"Ferrari\",\r\n        \"Fiat\",\r\n        \"Ford\",\r\n        \"Geely\",\r\n        \"Genesis\",\r\n        \"GMC\",\r\n        \"Honda\",\r\n        \"Hyundai\",\r\n        \"Infiniti\",\r\n        \"Jaguar\",\r\n        \"Jeep\",\r\n        \"Kia\",\r\n        \"Koenigsegg\",\r\n        \"Lamborghini\",\r\n        \"Lancia\",\r\n        \"Land Rover\",\r\n        \"Lexus\",\r\n        \"Lincoln\",\r\n        \"Lotus\",\r\n        \"Maserati\",\r\n        \"Maybach\",\r\n        \"Mazda\",\r\n        \"McLaren\",\r\n        \"Mercedes\",\r\n        \"Mini\",\r\n        \"Mitsubishi\",\r\n        \"Nissan\",\r\n        \"Opel\",\r\n        \"Pagani\",\r\n        \"Peugeot\",\r\n        \"Pontiac\",\r\n        \"Porsche\",\r\n        \"Ram\",\r\n        \"Renault\",\r\n        \"Rolls-Royce\",\r\n        \"Skoda\",\r\n        \"Smart\",\r\n        \"Subaru\",\r\n        \"Suzuki\",\r\n        \"Tesla\",\r\n        \"Toyota\",\r\n        \"Volkswagen\",\r\n        \"Volvo\"\r\n    ]\r\n}\r\n",
        "stdout_lines": [
            "    \"manufacturers\": [",
            "        \"Acura\",",
            "        \"Alfa-Romeo\",",
            "        \"Aston-Martin\",",
            "        \"Audi\",",
            "        \"Bentley\",",
            "        \"BMW\",",
            "        \"Bugatti\",",
            "        \"Buick\",",
            "        \"Cadillac\",",
            "        \"Chevrolet\",",
            "        \"Chrysler\",",
            "        \"Citroen\",",
            "        \"Deus Automobiles\",",
            "        \"Dodge\",",
            "        \"Ferrari\",",
            "        \"Fiat\",",
            "        \"Ford\",",
            "        \"Geely\",",
            "        \"Genesis\",",
            "        \"GMC\",",
            "        \"Honda\",",
            "        \"Hyundai\",",
            "        \"Infiniti\",",
            "        \"Jaguar\",",
            "        \"Jeep\",",
            "        \"Kia\",",
            "        \"Koenigsegg\",",
            "        \"Lamborghini\",",
            "        \"Lancia\",",
            "        \"Land Rover\",",
            "        \"Lexus\",",
            "        \"Lincoln\",",
            "        \"Lotus\",",
            "        \"Maserati\",",
            "        \"Maybach\",",
            "        \"Mazda\",",
            "        \"McLaren\",",
            "        \"Mercedes\",",
            "        \"Mini\",",
            "        \"Mitsubishi\",",
            "        \"Nissan\",",
            "        \"Opel\",",
            "        \"Pagani\",",
            "        \"Peugeot\",",
            "        \"Pontiac\",",
            "        \"Porsche\",",
            "        \"Ram\",",
            "        \"Renault\",",
            "        \"Rolls-Royce\",",
            "        \"Skoda\",",
            "        \"Smart\",",
            "        \"Subaru\",",
            "        \"Suzuki\",",
            "        \"Tesla\",",
            "        \"Toyota\",",
            "        \"Volkswagen\",",
            "        \"Volvo\"",
            "    ]",
TASK [convert output to JSON] *********************************************************************
task path: /Users/lberton/prj/github/ansible-pilot/how-to-run-script/run_python_script.yml:16
ok: [] => {"ansible_facts": {"cars_list": {"manufacturers": ["Acura", "Alfa-Romeo", "Aston-Martin", "Audi", "Bentley", "BMW", "Bugatti", "Buick", "Cadillac", "Chevrolet", "Chrysler", "Citroen", "Deus Automobiles", "Dodge", "Ferrari", "Fiat", "Ford", "Geely", "Genesis", "GMC", "Honda", "Hyundai", "Infiniti", "Jaguar", "Jeep", "Kia", "Koenigsegg", "Lamborghini", "Lancia", "Land Rover", "Lexus", "Lincoln", "Lotus", "Maserati", "Maybach", "Mazda", "McLaren", "Mercedes", "Mini", "Mitsubishi", "Nissan", "Opel", "Pagani", "Peugeot", "Pontiac", "Porsche", "Ram", "Renault", "Rolls-Royce", "Skoda", "Smart", "Subaru", "Suzuki", "Tesla", "Toyota", "Volkswagen", "Volvo"]}}, "changed": false}
TASK [print cars_list] ****************************************************************************
task path: /Users/lberton/prj/github/ansible-pilot/how-to-run-script/run_python_script.yml:20
ok: [] => {
    "cars_list": {
        "manufacturers": [
            "Deus Automobiles",
            "Land Rover",
META: ran handlers
META: ran handlers
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************           : ok=5    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
ansible-pilot $

code with ❤️ in GitHub


Now you know how to Run Python Script on Remote Machines after transferring it with Ansible. Subscribe to the YouTube channel, Medium, and Website, X (formerly Twitter) to not miss the next episode of the Ansible Pilot.


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