Ansible Pilot

Rolling Update Debian-like systems - Ansible module apt

Maintaining in a consistent state your fleet of machines is one of the most time-consuming tasks of the System Administrator. I'm going to show you how to perform Rolling Update with Ansible in Debian-like systems with some simple code: Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, MX Linux, Deepin, AntiX, PureOS, Kali Linux, Parrot OS, Devuan, Knoppix, AV Linux Linux
August 17, 2021
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How to perform Rolling Update with Ansible in Debian-like systems?

I’m going to show you a live demo and some simple Ansible code. I’m Luca Berton and welcome to today’s episode of Ansible Pilot

Ansible Rolling Update packages in Debian-like systems

Today we’re talking about rolling updates on Debian-like systems using Ansible module apt.

We already talked about this module for installing packages but we would like to consider another use case.

This module allows you to manage packages with the apt package manager.


The parameter list is pretty wide but today we are focus on these four options for our use case.

The “name” parameter could be a package or we could select all the packages of the system with the “*” star symbol.

The state for this case needs to be “latest” so we target the latest version for every package.

The “update_cache” is useful to forces the update of repository metadata before the installation.

Another useful option is “upgrade” with four alternatives:


Let’s jump in a real-life demo of Rolling Update on Debian-like systems with Ansible Playbook.

- name: rolling update demo
  hosts: all
  become: true
    - name: ensure pkg updated
        name: nginx
        state: latest
        update_cache: true
- name: rolling update demo
  hosts: all
  become: true
    - name: ensure system updated
        name: "*"
        state: latest
        update_cache: true

code with ❤️ in GitHub


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