Ansible Pilot

Luca Berton presents the Latest Book at the London Book Fair 2024, "Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform"

The latest book launch at the London Book Fair 2024

Explore the unveiling of Luca Berton groundbreaking book, "Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform," at the esteemed London Book Fair 2024.
March 20, 2024
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In the vibrant, buzzing halls of the London Book Fair 2024, amidst the myriad of literary and technological marvels, one name stood out with a particularly resonant buzz: Luca Berton. The Automation Expert, celebrated author, and esteemed Red Hat collaborator chose this prestigious event to introduce his latest work, “Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform,” a book anticipated to redefine the contours of IT automation and infrastructure management. Luca, whose credentials include an impressive tenure with the Red Hat Ansible Engineer Team and the authorship of several best-sellers in the Ansible By Example(s) series, has long been a pillar of the Ansible community. His new book is not just a continuation of his mission to demystify complex automation challenges; it’s a deep dive into the revolutionary capabilities of the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, aimed at empowering IT professionals to achieve new heights of efficiency and innovation. During his presentation at the fair, Berton elaborated on the genesis of his latest project. “With over 15 years of hands-on experience in system administration and a fervent belief in the open-source model,” Berton shared, “I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of automation in the IT landscape. This book is a culmination of those insights, tailored to unlock the full potential of Ansible for professionals across the board.”

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform book

“Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform” book is meticulously designed to serve both beginners and seasoned Ansible users. Berton’s approachable, example-driven narrative guides readers through the intricacies of the platform, from basic configuration management to the orchestration of complex multi-tier IT environments. The book promises to be an indispensable resource for anyone looking to streamline their IT operations and embrace the ethos of automation-first thinking. Beyond the practical knowledge and innovative strategies detailed in his book, Berton’s influence extends through his active participation in key industry events and contributions to critical open-source projects. His presence at conferences, such as Ansible Community Day and DevConf, alongside his contributions to addressing pivotal issues in repositories like ansible-lockdown/RHEL9-CIS, underscores his commitment to the Ansible community and the broader field of IT automation. The launch of “Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform” at the London Book Fair was not just a milestone for Luca Berton but a significant moment for the Ansible community and IT professionals worldwide. As readers delve into its pages, they’re not just accessing a book; they’re embarking on a journey towards mastering the art and science of automation, guided by one of the most authoritative voices in the field. As the fair concluded, the buzz around Berton’s latest contribution to the tech literature landscape continued to grow. “Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform” is poised to become an essential tome on the bookshelves of IT practitioners eager to navigate the future of automation with confidence and expertise.

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