Ansible Pilot

Copy Multiple Files to Remote Hosts - Local to Remote - Ansible lookup plugin fileglob

How to automate the copy of the "example/*.txt" files to a target host using the with_fileglob Ansible loop statement and Ansible lookup plugin fileglob.
January 17, 2022
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How to Copy Multiple Files to Remote Hosts with Ansible?

I’m going to show you a live demo with some simple Ansible code. I’m Luca Berton and welcome to today’s episode of Ansible Pilot.

Ansible Copy Multiple Files

Today we’re talking about the Ansible lookup plugin fileglob. Plugins are a way to expand the Ansible functionality. With lookup plugins specifically, you can load variables or templates with information from external sources. The full name is ansible.builtin.fileglob, it’s part of ansible-core and is included in all Ansible installations. The purpose of the lookup plugin is to list files matching a pattern.



Return Values

The parameters of the plugin fileglob. The only required parameter is the default “_terms”, with the path(s) of files to read. You could easily use it in any Ansible loop with the Ansible statement: with_fileglob.


Copy Multiple Files with Ansible Playbook.


- name: copy module demo
  hosts: all
  become: false
    - name: copy multiple file(s)
        src: "{{ item }}"
        dest: "/home/devops/"
        owner: devops
        mode: '0644'
        - "examples/*.txt"


$ ansible-playbook -i virtualmachines/demo/inventory copy\ files\ to\ remote\ hosts/copy-multiple.yml
PLAY [copy module demo] ***************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************
ok: []
TASK [copy multiple file(s)] **********************************************************************
changed: [] => (item=/Users/lberton/prj/github/ansible-pilot/copy files to remote hosts/examples/report2.txt)
changed: [] => (item=/Users/lberton/prj/github/ansible-pilot/copy files to remote hosts/examples/report.txt)
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************           : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
ansible-pilot $


$ ansible-playbook -i virtualmachines/demo/inventory copy\ files\ to\ remote\ hosts/copy-multiple.yml
PLAY [copy module demo] ***************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************
ok: []
TASK [copy multiple file(s)] **********************************************************************
ok: [] => (item=/Users/lberton/prj/github/ansible-pilot/copy files to remote hosts/examples/report2.txt)
ok: [] => (item=/Users/lberton/prj/github/ansible-pilot/copy files to remote hosts/examples/report.txt)
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************           : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
ansible-pilot $

before execution

$ ssh [email protected]
Last login: Mon Jan 17 11:50:11 2022 from
[devops@demo ~]$ ls -al
total 16
drwx------. 4 devops wheel 111 Jan 11 17:37 .
drwxr-xr-x. 4 root   root   35 Jan  5 10:18 ..
drwx------. 3 devops wheel  17 Jan  5 10:22 .ansible
-rw-------. 1 devops wheel  92 Jan 17 11:50 .bash_history
-rw-r--r--. 1 devops wheel  18 Jul 26 09:51 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r--. 1 devops wheel 141 Jul 26 09:51 .bash_profile
-rw-r--r--. 1 devops wheel 376 Jul 26 09:51 .bashrc
drwx------. 2 devops wheel  29 Jan  5 10:18 .ssh
[devops@demo ~]$

after execution

$ ssh [email protected]
Last login: Mon Jan 17 11:52:24 2022 from
[devops@demo ~]$ ls -al
total 24
drwx------. 4 devops wheel 148 Jan 17 11:52 .
drwxr-xr-x. 4 root   root   35 Jan  5 10:18 ..
drwx------. 3 devops wheel  17 Jan  5 10:22 .ansible
-rw-------. 1 devops wheel 104 Jan 17 11:51 .bash_history
-rw-r--r--. 1 devops wheel  18 Jul 26 09:51 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r--. 1 devops wheel 141 Jul 26 09:51 .bash_profile
-rw-r--r--. 1 devops wheel 376 Jul 26 09:51 .bashrc
drwx------. 2 devops wheel  29 Jan  5 10:18 .ssh
-rw-r--r--. 1 devops wheel  16 Jan 17 11:52 report.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 devops wheel  16 Jan 17 11:51 report2.txt
[devops@demo ~]$ cat report.txt
test report.txt
[devops@demo ~]$ cat report2.txt
test report.txt
[devops@demo ~]$

code with ❤️ in GitHub


Now you know how to Copy Multiple Files to Remote Hosts with Ansible. Subscribe to the YouTube channel, Medium, and Website, X (formerly Twitter) to not miss the next episode of the Ansible Pilot.


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