Ansible Pilot

Efficient YouTube Playlist Video Metadata Extraction

Automate Video Title and ID Retrieval from YouTube Playlists

Learn to automate YouTube playlist metadata extraction using Python. Efficiently retrieve video titles and IDs, saving time and effort in data collection.
December 29, 2023
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YouTube is a vast repository of videos covering a multitude of topics. Sometimes, you may find yourself needing to gather information about multiple videos from a playlist efficiently. In this article, we will explore how to use Python’s Pytube library to automate the retrieval of video details from a YouTube playlist.

Setting Up Pytube

Pytube is a lightweight library that enables you to access YouTube videos and playlists easily. Before you begin, make sure to install the Pytube library by running the following command:

pip install pytube

Now that we have Pytube installed, let’s dive into a simple script that fetches details from a YouTube playlist.

The Script

from time import time
from pytube import YouTube, Playlist

playlist_link = ""

video_links = Playlist(playlist_link).video_urls

video_titles = []
start = time()

for link in video_links:
    video_id = YouTube(link).video_id
    video_title = YouTube(link).title

    print(f"{video_id} - {video_title}")

print(f'Time taken: {time() - start}')

Understanding the Script:

  1. Importing Libraries:

    • We import the time module to measure the script’s execution time.
    • We import the YouTube and Playlist classes from the Pytube library.
  2. Providing Playlist Link:

    • Replace the playlist_link variable with the URL of the YouTube playlist you want to analyze.
  3. Fetching Video URLs:

    • We create a Playlist object using the provided link and extract all video URLs from the playlist.
  4. Retrieving Video Details:

    • For each video URL, we extract the video ID and title using the YouTube class from Pytube.
  5. Printing and Recording Information:

    • The script prints the video ID and title for each video in the playlist.
    • It also records the video titles in the video_titles list.
  6. Measuring Execution Time:

    • The script calculates and prints the time taken to fetch information from the entire playlist.


Automating the retrieval of YouTube video details using Pytube simplifies the process, especially when dealing with extensive playlists. This script can be a valuable tool for content creators, researchers, or anyone needing to analyze and organize information from YouTube playlists efficiently. Feel free to customize the script to suit your specific needs. Happy coding!

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