Ansible Pilot

Automating Windows Reboots with Ansible

Rebooting a Windows Machine with Ansible

Learn how to reboot a Windows machine using Ansible with a detailed playbook example, including custom reboot messages and delay settings.
January 9, 2024
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In the fast-paced world of IT administration, automation stands as a pivotal tool for efficiency, reliability, and scalability. Among the various automation tools available, Ansible has emerged as a leader, especially for its simplicity and versatility. This article delves into a specific application of Ansible: rebooting Windows machines. The process, often seen as routine yet critical, can be automated effectively using Ansible’s win_reboot module, enhancing system management and operational consistency.

Understanding the Need for Automated Reboots

Regular reboots of Windows servers and workstations are a staple in IT maintenance. They are essential for applying system updates, ensuring changes take effect, and maintaining overall system health. However, manually rebooting machines, especially in large environments, can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Automation via Ansible not only saves time but also adds precision and reliability to the process.

Ansible and Windows: A Seamless Integration

Ansible, traditionally known for managing Linux environments, extends its capabilities to Windows with modules like win_reboot. These modules are tailored to interact seamlessly with Windows systems, providing administrators with a familiar yet powerful toolset.

- name: Reboot Windows machine
  hosts: windows
    - name: Restart the Windows machine
        msg: "Reboot initiated by Ansible"
        pre_reboot_delay: 0
        post_reboot_delay: 30
        reboot_timeout: 600
        connect_timeout: 5
        test_command: ping

Anatomy of the Reboot Playbook

The provided Ansible playbook showcases the simplicity and power of the win_reboot module. Key components include:

  1. Hosts Declaration: This specifies the target Windows machines, easily customizable for different groups or environments.

  2. Tasks Execution: The core action - rebooting the machine - is handled in a single task. Here, various parameters fine-tune the reboot process:

    • msg: A custom message indicating the reason for reboot.
    • pre_reboot_delay and post_reboot_delay: Controls the wait time before and after the reboot.
    • reboot_timeout: Sets a limit for how long Ansible waits for the reboot to complete.
    • connect_timeout: The time Ansible waits between connection attempts post-reboot.
    • test_command: A simple command to verify if the machine is ready post-reboot.

Benefits of Using Ansible for Windows Reboots

  1. Consistency: Ensures that reboots across all machines follow the same procedure and timing.
  2. Time-saving: Frees up administrators from manual interventions, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks.
  3. Error Reduction: Automating the process minimizes the chances of human error.


The integration of Ansible in Windows environments, particularly for routine tasks like system reboots, exemplifies the power of automation in modern IT infrastructure. By leveraging Ansible’s win_reboot module, organizations can achieve greater efficiency, consistency, and reliability in their system management practices. As the landscape of IT continues to evolve, the role of automation tools like Ansible will undoubtedly become more integral in shaping the future of technology operations.

This article provides an overview of automating Windows reboots using Ansible, discussing its significance, functionality, and benefits in the realm of IT system management.

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