Ansible Pilot

Ansible Troubleshooting: Addressing Failure Downloading Error

The best way of talking about Ansible troubleshooting is to jump in a live demo to show you practically the failure downloading error and how to solve it!

December 17, 2023
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Today, we delve into Ansible troubleshooting, specifically addressing the “failure downloading” error. When attempting to download content from the internet, encountering the failure downloading error can be a stumbling block. This article explores the root causes of this error and provides practical solutions to overcome it.

Understanding the failure downloading Error

Downloading content from the internet can sometimes result in the failure downloading error. This issue is often triggered by a misspelled URL or content being moved by the website. In many cases, the error is associated with an HTTP 404 error, indicating that the requested resource was not found. To mitigate this, it’s crucial to double-check the URL in your browser before using it in Ansible.

A wrong URL, leading to an HTTP 404 error, is a common cause of the Ansible error failure downloading.

I’m Luca Berton, and welcome to today’s episode of Ansible Pilot.

Live Demo: Solving the failure downloading Error

The best way to address Ansible troubleshooting is through a live demonstration. In this video, we will practically explore the failure downloading error and demonstrate how to solve it.

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- name: unarchive module demo
  hosts: all
  become: false
    myurl: ""
    - name: extract archive
        src: "{{ myurl }}"
        dest: "/home/devops/"
        remote_src: true
        validate_certs: true
- name: unarchive module demo
  hosts: all
  become: false
    myurl: ""
    - name: extract archive
        src: "{{ myurl }}"
        dest: "/home/devops/"
        remote_src: true
        validate_certs: true

Conclusion: Troubleshooting the Ansible failure downloading Error

With the insights gained from the live demo and code examples, you now have a better understanding of how to troubleshoot and resolve the Ansible failure downloading error. Remember to verify your URLs, especially checking for HTTP 404 errors, to ensure smooth execution of your Ansible playbooks.

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