Ansible Pilot

Ansible troubleshooting - Error: name[casing]

How to Solve the Ansible Error name[casing]

The name[casing] rule in Ansible ensures task and play names begin with an uppercase letter for clarity and consistency in playbooks.
November 6, 2023
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Ansible is a powerful automation tool used for configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. When working with Ansible playbooks, maintaining a structured and consistent codebase is essential. One aspect of this is the proper naming of tasks and plays within your playbooks. In this article, we will discuss a specific Ansible linting rule: name[casing]. This rule ensures that the names of your tasks and plays follow a standardized casing convention, making your code more readable and maintainable.

Understanding the name[casing] Rule

The name[casing] rule is part of Ansible’s linting process, which helps in identifying issues and inconsistencies in your playbooks. This rule primarily focuses on the capitalization of task and play names. It enforces a simple yet effective guideline: all task and play names should start with an uppercase letter.

The reasoning behind this rule is straightforward. When you execute an Ansible playbook, the task and play names are displayed in logs, the console, or web interfaces. Using a consistent naming convention with an initial uppercase letter enhances readability and clarity, making it easier to identify the operations being performed.

Note: Ansible provides an option to automatically fix the “name[casing]” error using the ansible-lint --fix option, which can be a helpful tool in resolving this issue in your playbooks.

Common Issues Addressed by name[casing]

The name[casing] rule helps identify and rectify the following common issues:

  1. Lowercase Task Names: If a task name starts with a lowercase letter, it violates the name[casing] rule. For example, if you have a task with the name “install package,” this would trigger the rule.

  2. Inconsistent Playbook Names: Playbooks are the top-level constructs in Ansible. If the playbook name does not start with an uppercase letter, it also violates the name[casing] rule.

  3. Naming Style Consistency: Ensuring that all names start with an uppercase letter maintains a uniform naming style throughout your playbook.

Problematic Code Example

Here’s an example of problematic code that violates the name[casing] rule:

- name: Example playbook
  hosts: all
    - name: create directory
        path: /tmp/mydir
        state: directory

In this code, the task name “create directory” starts with a lowercase letter, which is not compliant with the name[casing] rule.

Ansible Lint Output

WARNING  Listing 2 violation(s) that are fatal
name[casing]: All names should start with an uppercase letter.
name-casting.yml:5 Task/Handler: create directory

risky-file-permissions: File permissions unset or incorrect.
name-casting.yml:5 Task/Handler: create directory

Read documentation for instructions on how to ignore specific rule violations.

                   Rule Violation Summary                   
 count tag                    profile  rule associated tags 
     1 name[casing]           moderate idiom                
     1 risky-file-permissions safety   unpredictability     

Failed: 2 failure(s), 0 warning(s) on 1 files. Last profile that met the validation criteria was 'basic'. Rating: 1/5 star

Corrected Code

To comply with the name[casing] rule, the task name should start with an uppercase letter:

- name: Example playbook
  hosts: all
    - name: Create directory
        path: /tmp/mydir
        state: directory


The name[casing] rule in Ansible playbooks ensures that your code follows a standardized casing convention, making it more readable and consistent. By adhering to this rule, you improve the quality of your automation code and help maintain a clean and structured codebase. Consistency in your code is essential for effective collaboration and long-term code maintainability.

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