Ansible Pilot

Ansible troubleshooting - Error 302: deprecated-command-syntax

How to Solve the Ansible Error 302 deprecated-command-syntax Ensuring Tasks Reflect Changes

Ansible Error 302, deprecated-command-syntax, flags shorthand usage in playbooks, advocating structured syntax for clarity and reliability.
October 31, 2023
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Ansible, the versatile automation platform, simplifies the process of automating tasks, managing configurations, and orchestrating complex processes. While Ansible provides flexibility, it’s important to adhere to best practices to ensure the maintainability and readability of your playbooks. In this article, we’ll explore Ansible Error 302, “deprecated-command-syntax,” in Ansible-Lint which focuses on discouraging the use of shorthand or free-form syntax within playbooks. We’ll discuss why this syntax is discouraged and provide examples of how to use the correct, more structured syntax in your Ansible playbooks.

The Problem: Deprecated Command Syntax

Ansible Error 302, “deprecated-command-syntax,” is designed to identify the use of shorthand or free-form syntax within Ansible playbooks. While using shorthand syntax from the command line is acceptable, it is highly discouraged when used inside playbooks. This is because shorthand syntax can easily lead to bugs that are hard to identify, impacting the readability and maintainability of your automation tasks.

Problematic Code Example:

- name: Example playbook
  hosts: all
    - name: Perform chmod
      ansible.builtin.command: creates=B chmod 644 A # <-- do not use shorthand

In the problematic code above, the shorthand syntax is used within the ansible.builtin.command module, making it less readable and potentially prone to errors.

Correcting Deprecated Command Syntax

To address Ansible Error 302 and ensure the use of structured, non-shorthand syntax within playbooks, you should reformat the code as follows:

- name: Example playbook
  hosts: all
    - name: Perform chmod
      ansible.builtin.command: chmod 644 A
        creates: B

In the corrected code, the structured syntax is used within the ansible.builtin.command module, making the playbook more readable and maintainable. Additionally, the args section is used to specify the creates argument, providing a clear separation of parameters.

Benefits of Eliminating Deprecated Command Syntax

  1. Improved Readability: Structured syntax makes your Ansible playbooks more readable and understandable, reducing the likelihood of errors.

  2. Easier Troubleshooting: Eliminating shorthand syntax minimizes the potential for bugs that are challenging to identify and resolve.

  3. Consistency: Using consistent, structured syntax in your playbooks fosters a standardized and clean codebase.

  4. Adherence to Best Practices: Following best practices for playbook syntax aligns with Ansible guidelines, ensuring the reliability of your automation tasks.


Ansible Error 302, “deprecated-command-syntax,” underlines the importance of using structured, non-shorthand syntax within Ansible playbooks. By adhering to this rule, you can significantly enhance the readability, maintainability, and reliability of your automation tasks.

In the world of automation, adherence to best practices is paramount to achieve consistent, error-free results. So, when working with Ansible, make it a practice to eliminate deprecated command syntax in your playbooks, and enjoy cleaner, more dependable automation.

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