Ansible Pilot

Ansible News - Ansible Year 2022 Recap: Merry Christmas and Happy Automation Year

2022 was an excellent year for the Ansible Automation technology in the community and in the enterprise way.
December 19, 2022
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Thank you for this year together.

2022 saw a lot of innovation in the Ansible technology and the restart of the AnsibleFest 2022 as a physical event after two editions in a virtual way.

Ansible reaches out for version 2.14.1 for the ansible-core package and version 7.1.0 for the ansible community packages.

From the community point of view, highlight the ansible-sign command line tool that allows us to add project signatures and verification using the GPG technology underneath.

In the latest enterprise Ansible Automation Platform 2.3, the project signatures and verification is integrated into the UI and the new Event Driven Automation. The Ansible Certified Collections, Ansible Mesh, and Ansible Execution Environments are other exciting improvements for enterprise customers.

Another year Ansible high the bar in the IT automation nowadays to manage our IT infrastructures efficiently, above and beyond the company mission.

I’m excited to see the 2023 improvements!


Ansible improved in 2022 to offer the best automation technology for IT infrastructure automation and Infrastructure as a Code (IaC).

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