Ansible Pilot

Ansible News - Ansible Pilot Two-Year Celebration!

Celebrating Two Years of Ansible Pilot: Milestones and Reflections

Join us in celebrating two years of the Ansible Pilot project, reflecting on milestones, challenges, and achievements in creating educational content for IT professionals.
August 29, 2023
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Hi friends. Big event. Today, we are celebrating two years of the Ansible pilot project. It started with one video sharing with a friend the way to write code in Ansible and how to test it. And this stuff became a blog and became something else. So I was super proud to see all the story behind it.

So in just two years of time spent together, a lot of things happened, and yes, a lot of high work behind the scenes because what you see is just a video that is usually five to 10 minutes long, and try to save as much time as possible because we are all busy, professional. But behind the scenes, there is one-hour, two-hour, and sometimes also three, four-hour work.

Try to create the presentation, try to create a script, try to create the code. The code, most of the time, is not working, so there are some errors that we need to fix, and I try to exemplify with like the more less amount of cost possible so you can get the concept and the idea. So, my purpose is to share with you.

How to learn and how to be a useful example for your life. Most of you are seasoned IT professionals who already know the basics, and they were looking for some more complex scenarios. This is why this year, I focused on more different types of different types of tools and how to integrate them with some solutions.

Thinking about Splunk, Prometheus, Grafana, Dynatrace, and all of the other tools that are distributed in the market. In my content, I explained how to interact with them. However, I am still teaching the Ansible basics, how to get a user, and how to get a file moving in the file system. This stuff was very, very fun and exciting. And it helped with creating something that was great for you because you were asking for this.


It’s not; a video was not enough to share the journey, how to start from zero to something else. So, I was also sharing some video courses. You probably saw something in Udemy, and I’m super proud that in recent times, my partners also with Pluralsight for more like podcasts. Podcast-style things I’m thinking about are the Ansible Signature Project, Event-Automation at the latest time Ansible Lightspeed. Ansible, Lightspeed is the generative AI that helps every professional to create some wonderful code for Ansible. I was super proud to be part of a closed beta in April, and I was recording one video on day two of the closed beta testing. I am just sharing with you my personal thoughts and some tests that I did by myself; I still think that it is a very interesting developing tool, but it is not still under the development process.


What I want to say is that I also published some books that I think could help every professional to start their career and maybe. Get more information about one specific technology.

Ansible for VMware by Examples

Ansible for VMware by Examples

So I started with this and published it in December 2022, “Ansible For VMware by Examples”. I’m super excited about this book because it is somehow.

Also made me understand how to create a successful book. What are the important things for a reader? I’m thinking about a lot of code, a lot of examples, and a lot of screenshots that include this book, and everything was specific about VMware and how we can take advantage of Ansible because Ansible, at the end of the day, is managing infrastructure and there are many types of infrastructure, as you know, the world is transition.

Ansible for Kubernetes by Example

Ansible for Kubernetes by Example

To the cloud-native application, and when you manage a cloud-native application, you end up in a container. When you have a lot of containers, there’s only one technology that can actually orchestrate and get the best value from Kubernetes. So “Ansible for Kubernetes by Example”, was the natural following of the “Ansible For VMware by Examples” book.

Inside this book, there is a lot of concept about containerized application, how to scale up, and how to deploy in the most common public cloud provider. I remember I was working on this book on Christmas Day, and my family was very supportive of it. and was published in May 2023, so I have been getting very interesting interactions in the market and got wonderful feedback on Amazon; I’m very thankful to everybody who took some time to have you and read this book.

This is a lovely, I would say. How many pages? Nearly 300 pages. To be precise, 285. The previous one was a little bit shorter, so if you are concerned about the length of the first one, it was just 183 pages. I’m really proud of how Apress, my publisher and editor, delivered this information in the book.

Hands-on Ansible Automation

Hands-on Ansible Automation

Now I wanted to try something different because most of the audience was also some A person that wants to start with Ansible. Most of the example was something how to start from from zero.

How to automate tasks on Linux and Windows, how I created this book, hands-on Ansible Automation with BPB publication. That is great. Publisher from New Delhi, and I think that is one of the most interesting resources if you’re looking to upskill yourself. Starting from Zero, this book is created with the Ansible collection in mind.

All the recent concepts were created in the latest year, so it’s up to date and Britain from 2023 to new. This was released in July. So, as you can see, in the last year, I created three books and distributed reviews of this value. I think this book really contains all my knowledge in the market about Ansible because each of them has great value for a different type of professional, professional that manages infrastructure.

All the code is battle-tested in the real world. And that is involved in the organization. They are challenging, challenging, and changing the world. So I’m super proud of the last. I am in the second year of this project because it really propelled me in a different way.


As I said, I also created a new partnership, and I’m super proud of Pluralsight; I also have a great partnership with X-Lab, a company in Slovenia that is developing the spot project for a company that would like to analyze deeply, analyze the code, and getting some wonderful code quality best practice in place.

Conferences & Interviews

What else? I have many ideas. You have no idea how many new ideas and projects I want I’m working on. So I’m really thrilled about the upcoming year, and one thing that I was really proud of is just going to conferences and finding friends, people that are writing every day, and we hug each other like we have known for a long time because we recognize the value that I’m bringing to the market.

And also they gave me this wonderful t-shirt about the Ansible Automation Platform at the latest London event. I was super proud to go to a conference with the Czech Republic, with meet new friends, and be able to interview actually some global leaders of the Ansible project. I’m thinking of Walter thinking of Carol, thinking of the guy who created the Ansible LightSpeed Project.

So I think that I need to be very thankful for the opportunity that you are giving to me. I know you’re wealthy, writing to me, having a lot of comments and a lot of ideas, and not able to keep track of everything because, as I said, I have a full-time job and try to do my best. Every day, I challenge myself a little bit more to deliver you some content.


So keep track, keep in touch, and follow the following update because I have a wonderful project in mind, and you don’t know what will be the next step. Let’s automate more and get the best of our day. Thank you so much. I hope you like this content, and I don’t know. You are my friend. I like talking with you like a community.

Have a good (automation) day. Cheers! Subscribe to the YouTube channel, Medium, and Website, X (formerly Twitter) to not miss the next episode of the Ansible Pilot.


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