Ansible Pilot

Ansible News - Ansible Core 2.16.0 General Available “All My Love”

Exploring Ansible 2.16: Key Enhancements and Updates

Discover the latest features and improvements in Ansible 2.16, including support changes, enhanced container naming, improved test provisioning, and CLI enhancements.
November 7, 2023
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Ansible, the open-source automation platform, has released a new version with numerous enhancements, bug fixes, and security updates. Ansible has become a fundamental tool for managing IT infrastructure and applications, streamlining workflows, and maintaining infrastructure as code (IaC) principles.

Ansible 2.16

Let’s delve into the key changes introduced in this release:

Important Changes:

Ansible Enhancements

CLI Improvements

Porting Guide

Documentation Enhancements

Updates for Specific Platforms

Templar Updates

Ansible-Galaxy Improvements

Security Updates

Bug Fixes and Improvements

A range of bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements have been made, addressing issues related to handler notifications, symbolic modes, parsing multi-line Jinja2 blocks, module responses, and more. These updates contribute to a more stable and reliable Ansible experience.

Known Issues

While this release comes with numerous enhancements and fixes, there are a few known issues, such as difficulties with installing roles containing Java inner classes and limitations in detecting f-string spacing issues with the pep8 sanity test on specific Python versions.

Full Release Note

For a complete list of changes, consult the Ansible documentation and release notes for a comprehensive overview of what’s new and improved:


In conclusion, this Ansible 2.16.0 release represents a significant step forward in enhancing automation capabilities, improving documentation, and addressing security and usability concerns. Users are encouraged to update to the latest version to benefit from these enhancements and bug fixes.

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