Ansible Pilot

Ansible News - Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 General Available

Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 Enterprise-grade major improvements: Event-Driven Ansible, collection repository management & validated content, Ansible Builder 3.0, support for ARM and IBM Power, new WebUI, Ansible Lightspeed with IBM Watson Code Assistant.
June 29, 2023
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Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 has been generally available since 27th June 2023, with new features and capabilities. It is the Enterprise-grade Ansible based on Ansible Core 2.15.0. The primary feature is the general availability of Event-Driven Ansible, which includes a new (tech-preview) webUI and controller to integrate with the Ansible Automation Platform. The Event-Driven Ansible architecture is fully integrated into the Automation Controller into the new (technical-preview) user interface. The Automation Hub includes Collection repository management, allowing better control over access to automation content. The Ansible validated content is now fully integrated into the private automation hub. The Ansible Builder 3.0 provides content tooling for easy creation and customization of Ansible Execution Environments. The release includes platform install support for ARM architectures and introduces technology preview support for Linux on Power and Z. The user interface has been updated and is in technology preview, and the technical preview of Ansible Lightspeed with IBM Watson Code Assistant is available.


Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 is now available, introducing Event-Driven Ansible as a significant feature. It includes a new web UI and controller integrating event-driven automation with Ansible. Several integrations with partner collections and plugins are supported. The release also offers collection repository management, providing better control over access to automation content. Ansible validated content is now fully integrated into the private automation hub, and Ansible Builder 3.0 improves content tooling. The platform now supports ARM architectures, and there is technology preview support for Linux on Power and Z. An updated user interface is available in technology preview, and a technical preview of Ansible Lightspeed with IBM Watson Code Assistant is also released. Resources and next steps are provided for further exploration.

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