Ansible Pilot

Ansible-Lint Rule Analysis and Best Practices

A Comprehensive Guide to Navigate Ansible-Lint Rule Categories and Best Practices

A comprehensive guide to navigate Ansible-Lint rule categories and best practices for efficient and error-free automation.
October 31, 2023
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Ansible-Lint is a powerful tool that helps Ansible users identify and correct issues in their playbooks and roles. It not only improves code quality but also ensures best practices are followed, making your automation processes more reliable and predictable.

In this article, we will explore various Ansible-Lint rules and provide insights into best practices to address the common issues flagged by these rules. We’ll cover rules related to module arguments, playbook structure, variable naming, and much more. We can list all the rules in Ansible Linter using the command ansible-lint -L.

Rule Categories

Ansible-Lint rules are organized into various categories, each addressing different aspects of the Ansible playbook and role development. Let’s dive into some of the most commonly encountered rule categories and explore them in detail.




Syntax and Formatting

-Rule Name: playbook-extension


Best Practices





Best Practices for Ansible-Lint Rules

  1. Stay Updated: Regularly update Ansible-Lint to benefit from the latest rule improvements and bug fixes.
  2. Integrate into CI/CD: Incorporate Ansible-Lint into your CI/CD pipelines to catch issues early in the development process.
  3. Use Autofix: Take advantage of autofixable rules to automatically correct issues in your playbooks.
  4. Check for Deprecated Features: Regularly check for deprecated features and modules in your playbooks and update them to use supported alternatives.
  5. Follow Naming Conventions: Adhere to role naming conventions and playbook file extensions to ensure consistency and readability.
  6. Prioritize Security: Pay close attention to security-related rules, such as “no-log-password,” to safeguard sensitive data.
  7. Adopt Best Practices: Embrace best practices for playbook structure and module


Ansible-Lint, a powerful tool for Ansible users, enforces best practices and identifies potential issues in playbooks and roles. It covers a wide array of rule categories, from syntax and formatting to security, predictability, and deprecated features. Following its recommendations, such as avoiding deprecated modules, adhering to role naming conventions, and prioritizing security rules, ensures cleaner, more reliable automation code. By integrating Ansible-Lint into your CI/CD pipeline and staying updated with the latest rule improvements, you can maintain a high quality, consistency, and security standard in your Ansible automation, ultimately leading to more efficient and dependable processes.

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