Ansible Pilot

A Journey with Luca Berton in the Skills-Based Economy — IT Automation

Navigating the Skills-Based Economy, Setting Goals for 2024, and Empowering the IT Industry Through Automation
November 18, 2023
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Hello friends, my name is Luca Berton, and I’m the creator of this content series. I’m super excited to get to break my latest news. I’m eager to share some exciting updates about our ongoing efforts and the future direction of our platform.

2023: Skills-Based Economy

The 2023 has definitely been a year of transformation.

As we navigate the dynamic landscape of 2023, marked by global economic shifts and groundbreaking technological advancements such as generative AI and the beginning of the so-called “skills-based economy”. This transformation is made possible by the collective contributions of our community worldwide.

Every month, thousands of professionals tune in to my content to enable the automation of tomorrow, enabling them to equip themselves with the skills needed to face evolving challenges. The scale of impact is staggering, especially when considering the breadth of our engagement in different countries and organizations.

Goals for 2024

My project, like the rest of the world, is evolving. I’ve embraced new innovative ideas and made a strategic commitment to maintain my leadership position in automation in 2024. My mission remains steadfast: not only to improve lives through learning but to transform lives on a larger scale automation than ever before.

In recent months, I’ve been working hard, focusing on creating more technical content than ever. More best practice, troubleshooting, and code is available and will be available soon on all the platform.

While there’s much progress to celebrate, I acknowledge that more work lies ahead.

My goal is to amplify my voice and visibility in the IT industry, empowering you to increase your skills and share knowledge with a broader audience.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication to bringing expertise and passion to the IT industry and organizations globally.

Let’s continue to automate and collectively transform lives through technology.

Best regards, Luca Berton

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